Simple Project List Software Map

Common Public License
161 projects in result set
最后更新: 2012-08-08 21:23

Java Wikipedia API

The Java Wikipedia API (Bliki engine) is a parser library for converting Wikipedia/Mediawiki syntax to HTML. It supports wiki tags for bold, italic, headers, nowiki, source, table of contents, tables, lists, categories, footnotes (references), images, syntax highlighting of source code fragments, templates, and template parser functions.

最后更新: 2011-04-11 11:03


Abbot is a framework for testing Java GUIs. It lets you launch an application or GUI component, play back user actions on it, and examine its state. Tests may be coded or scripted. The editor supports recording user actions into a script, exploring the component hierarchy, running the script, and other features you'd expect from a script editor. Test scripts are JUnit extensions.

最后更新: 2003-06-30 03:10

Visual Interactive Datapipe

Visual Interactive Datapipe (Vida) is an
interactive visual datapipe for all *nix systems,
which allows socket communications to be
redirected over pipes. It features an ncurses
interface that allows the creation of multiple
datapipes, each supporting multiple
connections. It is possible to sniff and log
traffic in various ways, hijack piped
connections, perform DNS hijacking on
switched LANs, and much more.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2011-11-29 22:43

Laszlo Presentation Server

Laszlo is a platform for the development and
delivery of rich Internet applications on the
World Wide Web. The Laszlo presentation server is
a Java servlet that runs a special XML file
written in the LZX language that allows for quick
development of rich media applications.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-03-13 18:53


The goal of the JLense project is to provide an open source framework for developing Java Swing applications on top of IBM's Eclipse plugin framework.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-08-27 06:04


Archive is a fully drag-and-drop multi-format archiver. Drag a directory onto it to create an archive. Drag an archive onto it to extract to a directory. It can also compress and decompress streams (for example, you could drag a .gz file onto Archive and from Archive into your text editor).

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-08-21 04:20


SwingWT is an implementation of the Java Swing and
AWT APIs which instead drives SWT applications.
This allows existing Java/Swing/AWT applications
to be compiled natively under Linux with gcj (or
simply to allow native widgets for existing Swing
apps without recoding).

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-09-04 13:34

CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse

CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in

to allow CVS access on an encrypted session by

SSH2 protocol.

最后更新: 2005-08-10 08:50

Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse

The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse provides XSLT support to the Eclipse platform. It is the Eclipse-based successor of the Java/Swing-based ROXES XmlWrite XSLT editing environment. It provides many great enhancements when working with XML inside Eclipse. It implements XSLT launch configurations, XML editor enhancements, configurable XML outlines, an xpath navigator view, and more.

最后更新: 2012-11-30 01:50

Simple PHP Chat Script

Simple PHP Chat Script is an AJAX chatting system which does not require a database. It works with text files saved on the server, so it is fast and requires very few server resources. It can be included in both PHP or HTML files (in blogs, forums), but the server must run PHP. The script can easily be changed to be used in other languages, just by translating the texts in a single file. It can have one or more chat rooms. The user can add smiles in chat, and can format the text with Bold, Italic, an Underline.

(Machine Translation)
自然语言: English
编程语言: JavaScript, PHP
用户界面: Web Environment
最后更新: 2006-11-26 07:42

Eclipse Wikipedia Editor Plugin

The Eclipse Wikipedia Editor Plugin is an Eclipse
editor for the Wikipedia syntax. It features
syntax highlighting, source folding, outlining,
uploading and downloading to and from the Web, and more.

(Machine Translation)



发展现状: 1 - Planning
自然语言: Japanese
作业系统: Windows
编程语言: C++
用户界面: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2005-03-13 11:07
最后更新: 2007-04-24 18:49

Quick JUnit Plugin

Quick Junit Plugin is a Eclipse plugin. This plugin makes easy to launch JUnit and switch editors between test code and production code.

This plugin dadecated to the memory of Masaru Ishii.

发展现状: 5 - Production/Stable
目标用户: 开发人员
自然语言: Japanese
编程语言: Java
Register Date: 2005-03-15 23:12
最后更新: 2005-03-22 21:03



最后更新: 2006-03-19 22:23



发展现状: 2 - Pre-Alpha
目标用户: 开发人员
自然语言: Japanese
作业系统: Windows
编程语言: Java, Other
用户界面: Web Environment
Register Date: 2005-07-19 02:00