[Openpts-users] RMs for Linux Kernel missing

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Seiji Munetoh seiji****@gmail*****
Thu Oct 3 06:00:47 JST 2013

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:49 AM, Mudassar Aslam <mudassar �� sics.se> wrote:
> I don't want to use IntelTXT therefore fallback to GRUB-IMA is the only
> oprion left. Due to different reasons, I have now switched to CentOS 6.4
> which comes with grub legacy. I am trying to patch the grub as specified in
> the user guide. While doing so, I could find and download the SRPM
> (grub-0.97-68.el6.src.rpm) but could not find the relevant patch
> (grub-0.97-68.el6.ima- from the link given in the user guide
> i.e.
> http://osdn.dl.sourceforge.jp/openpts/40294/grub-0.97-68.el6.ima-
> is not valid anymore. I tried to google for it but could not find the patch.
> Do you know any other place from where I can get this patch?

I will try to find from my backup. But, it might take a little time.

> Or, another option is to try some older version (if that does not affect
> OpenPTS) e.g. building an older grub from CentOS5/RHEL5? or Fedora12?

You can use the patch for F12 with some fixes, or Grub SRPM of F12
with the patch.

> Or, trying with TrustedGRUB
> (http://projects.sirrix.com/trac/trustedgrub/wiki/Documentation) if OpenPTS
> supports that?

No, TrustedGRUB does not support an eventlog. Thus we cannot validate
the measurements done bye TrustedGRUB.


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