オープンソースERP&CRM Compiere 日本語適応版の新バージョンCompiere_J300_A03のリリース
2010-06-20 09:58 (by jirimuto)

2010年6月18日にオープンソースERP&CRM Compiere 日本語適応版の新バージョンCompiere_J300_A03がリリースされました。
今回のリリースには、Compiere の Ajax 技術を大幅に活用した日本独自の RICH CLIENT WEBバージョン及び日本商習慣に合わせた大量のカスタマイズ機能が含まれています。新しく追加された機能などは、次のリリースノートを参照してください。
最新バージョンのダウンロードは http://www.compiere-japan.com/products/download/index.html からになります。

Compiere J300_A03 リリースノート

Compiere J300_A03は、株式会社アルマスがCompiere 3.0.0コミュニティバージョンをベースに開発した、


11、Jasper Reportサポート機能追加
14、日本の勘定科目体系ファイル AccountingJP.xls/AccountingJP.csvの改修

Compiere J300_A03 Release Note

This is a Japanese language pack version of Compiere which is developed by Almas Inc. 
based on the Compiere community version C300.

Release Date : 2010/06/18

This version include the following extended and improved functionalities are included in this version.

1. Japanese Language Pack ( Label Only ).
2. Extended the Compiere Window engine to show and edit header and details on one tab.
	The detail tab can be set on header tab as an Included Tab.
	See the predefined Sales Order and Purchase Order window.
3. Added several fields for delivery address, trade terms condition and drop ship, charge on delivery etc.  
	DeliveryTo, DeliveryToLoc, DeliverTo, DeliverToPostal, DeliverToAddress, DeliverToPhone, DeliverToFax
	TradeTerms, Departure, Arrival, DepartureDate, ArrivalDate, IsCOD etc.
4. Added Order Quick Register window for speedy order input requirement. 
5. Added POS window and functionalities.
	POS Window, POS terminal, POS Layout.
6. Added delivery address and price or pricelist related fields to M_InOut, M_InOutLine
	DeliveryTo, DeliveryToLoc, DeliverTo, DeliverToPostal, DeliverToAddress, DeliverToPhone, DeliverToFax
	DateArrival, TimeArrival, IsCOD, IsDropShip, M_ProceList_ID, C_Currency_ID, 
	IsTaxIncluded, TotalLines, GrandTotal, AD_PrintFormat_ID
	Added M_InOutTax table.
7. Modified the program specification to be able to split revenue and invoice.
	The original customer invoice as the revenue.
	Added new Invoice table C_Billing, C_BillingLine, C_BillingTax to handle monthly scheduled invoice.
	Added new Billing window.
	Fit the Tax calculation rounding requirement(Round Up, Round Down, Half Up) for each partner in Japan,
	Prepared tax calculation level(Invoice level, delivery note level, detail level) for each partner. 
8. Modified the the payment selection functionality to match the Japanese user requirement.
	Added standard ZenGin data (payment data) export function to create bank transfer data from the system. 
9. Modified Cash Journal and Bank Statement table/window to handle multiple charges like bank charges.
	Auto calculate tax for each charge line.
10.Modified the GL Journal window to Improve the GL Journal account selection function.
	Enable to select Organization, account, partner, product, project... on Journal Line Tab.
11.Added Jasper Report support functionality on the Window.
	See the sample on Order Window/Order Tab.
12.Refined barcode printing functionalities
	Barcode printing size adjustment on several font size print.
	QR code printing. 
	Barcode reading on Compiere window,
13.Added Japan Postal code import functionality.
14.Modified Japan Accounting file AccountingJP.xls/AccountingJP.csv.
15.Other performance and functional improvement as well as Bug fix was included.
	Performance improvement on Grid Table scroll. 
	Functional improvement on Search Dialog.
	Setting performance monitoring dash board for each Responsibilities. 
	Multi line setting  in one record of the List printing.
	Embed a form printformat in List print format cell.
	Added printing condition column for print format item.
16. Web version improvement. (Almost full Compiere functionalities had been is supported by this web version)
	Covered all of the SWING version functionalities.
	Multi Window support, Zoom to/zoom across support.
	Field preference support.
	All of the Window menu functionalities (move, edit, view, tools, help etc.) 
	All of the Info menu  functionalities (product, partner, order, shipment, invoice etc.) 
	All of the tools menu functionalities (calendar, calculator, preference, Active workflow etc.) 
	All of the toolbar functionalities (chat, attachment, advanced search etc.)
	Performance monitoring dash board functionalities.
	Workflow menu etc.

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