论坛: 开发者论坛 (Thread #22503)

Welcome to Developers (2009-04-24 16:43 by None #43412)

Welcome to Developers

freedb submit error (2013-10-13 15:40 by yu-0130-90 #70466)

submit to the remote freedb

try to send to the freedb disk information, error occurs.

After reviewing the source code,
submit is does not seem to correspond to the virtual host

So, I put them in "BOOL CDdb :: SubmitRemote ()" in the

Then I can submit without error
// send HTTP-Host by not-exist.info
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == SendString( _W( "Host: ") + g_config.GetCDDBHSubmitAddr() ) )
return FALSE;

I think that if Moraere to fix.

Best regards
回复到 #43412